zaterdag 15 februari 2020

De klaagzang van Ur

Terug uit Parijs ben ik verder gaan lezen in "The Harps that once.." van Thorkild Jacobsen, en ik werd enorm getroffen door de eerste strofen van de "Klaagzang voor de vernietiging van Ur". En nu kom ik er achter dat dit prachtige kleitablet te zien is in Louvre. Gemist dus. Maar het eerste deel van de tekst wil ik graag met jullie delen, de prachtige trieste desolaatheid, de goden hebben de tempels verlaten.
De complete tekst is hier te lezen in het Engels: 

Het Sumerisch is hier te lezen:

Volgens Thorkild Jacobsen werd de tekst gezongen onder begeleiding van een harp. Hieronder een plaatje van een gereconstrueerde harp uit de vroege dynastieke Ur-periode. De klaagzang is een paar honderd jaar jonger.

In het gedicht staat de "sheepfold", de schaapskooi dus, symbool voor de stad.

He has abandoned his cow-pen and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. 
The wild bull has abandoned his cow-pen and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. 
The lord of all the lands has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. 

Enlil has abandoned the shrine Nibru and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. 
His wife Ninlil has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 
Ninlil has abandoned that house, the Ki-ur, and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 

The queen of Kec has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 
Ninmah has abandoned that house Kec and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

She of Isin has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninisina has abandoned the shrine Egal-mah and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 

The queen of Unug has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 
Inana has abandoned that house Unug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 

Nanna has abandoned Urim and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Suen has abandoned E-kic-nu-jal and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. His wife Ningal has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 
Ningal has abandoned her Agrun-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 

The wild bull of Eridug has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Enki has abandoned that house Eridug and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

 (partially preserved name of a goddess) has abandoned that house Larag and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.} Cara has abandoned E-mah and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Ud-sahara has abandoned that house Umma and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 

Bau has abandoned Iri-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. She has abandoned her flooded chamber and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Her son Ab-Bau has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Ab-Bau has abandoned Ma-gu-ena and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. The protective goddess of the holy house has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

The protective goddess has abandoned E-tar-sirsir and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The mother of Lagac has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Jatumdug has abandoned that house Lagac and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 

She of Nijin has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The great queen has abandoned that house Sirara and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 

She of Kinirca has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Dumuzid-abzu has abandoned that house Kinirca and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. She of Gu-aba has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninmarki has abandoned the shrine Gu-aba and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

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